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Exploration Borehole

 Borehole Number: 105/18/X621/H01

 Prospecting Company: De Beers Holdings Botswana
 Prospecting License No.: PL001/97
 Coordinates Type: WGS 84
 Coordinates Format: Decimal Degrees (DD)
 Coordinates: -21.429372 , 25.569395
 Location: Orapa

 Start Drill: 0000-00-00
 End Drill: 0000-00-00
 Borehole Type: Exploration
 Drilling Method: Percussion & Core
 Sample Type: Core & Chips
 Depth of Surface Casing: N/A
 Azimuth: Degrees
 Hole Inclination: -90 Degrees
 Collar Elevation: 994 Metres
 Borehole Water Strike: 15 Metres
 End of Hole (Depth): 150 Metres
 Hole Diameter: 165 Millimetres

 Log Formation:
No.From (m)To (m) Log Formation
1.0 1Light grey creamish calcrete mixed of top Topsoil.
2.1 2Light grey creamish weathered calcrete.
3.2 4Light grey olive creamish calcrete mixed of Silcrete.
4.4 9Light grey calcretised fresh competent Silcrete.
5.9 15Brownish light grey fresh competent Silcrete plus few calcrete.
6.15 18Dark red brown oxidised basalt moderately competent.
7.18 24Dark brown amygdaloidale fresh basalt moderate competent.
8.24 26Dark red fresh competent basalt comprising calcite.
9.26 30Dark red brown fresh and competent amygdaloidale basalt.
10.30 35Medium brown fine grained fresh basalt (competent) plus few calcite.
11.35 37Medium brown calcite and amygdals rich basalt (fresh).
12.37 44dark reddish brown fresh basalt plus few calcite contain.
13.44 50Medium greyish black competent fresh basalt containing few calcite.
14.50 56Dark greyish green fresh competent basalt.
15.56 63Medium brown competent amygdals rich fresh basalt.
16.63 64Light reddish brown fresh Sandstone layer.
17.64 69Light reddish brown competent basalt comprising greenish amygdals plus calcite.
18.69 76Dark greyish brown fresh basalt moderately competent containing greenish amygdals.
19.76 77Brownish amygdaloidale fresh basalt.
20.77 84Dark greyish green fresh basalt higtly competent.
21.84 89Very dark greenish grey fresh competent basalt.
22.89 92Dark greenish grey fresh basalt containing few amygdals.
23.92 96Dark greenish grey fresh competent basalt.
24.96 100Dark grey fresh competent basalt.
25.100 102Brownish grey amygdaloidale fresh and competent basalt.
26.102 105Dark brownish grey fresh basalt highly competent.
27.105 106Dark grey greenish fresh competent basalt.
28.106 107Dark reddish brown competent basalt.
29.107 109Dark greyish brown fresh competent basalt.
30.109 112Dark brown moderate competent basalt with few amygdals on the bottom.
31.112 113Oxidised amygdaloidale fresh basalt.
32.113 119Dark brown fine grained fresh basalt comprising few amygdals plus blackish minerals.
33.119 121Dark blackish grey competent fresh basalt.
34.121 123Light red oxidised fresh competent basalt.
35.123 126Dark grey blackish fresh competent gabbro (ignous mafic rock).
36.126 136Dark greyish blue fresh competent gabbro ? Comprising fine grained pyrite.
37.136 137Light brown competent fresh Sandstone.
38.137 140Medium reddish brown fresh basalt plus few amygdals.
39.140 144Light yellowish orange weathered Sandstone fine grained.
40.144 145Dark brown weathered Sandstone.
41.145 150Light yellowish fine grained Sandstone.

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