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Exploration Borehole

 Borehole Number: 105/17/X569/H01

 Prospecting Company: De Beers Prospecting Botswana (Pty) Ltd
 Prospecting License No.: PL57/98
 Coordinates Type: WGS 84
 Coordinates Format: Decimal Degrees (DD)
 Coordinates: -20.999932 , 25.082797
 Location: Orapa

 Start Drill: N/A
 End Drill: N/A
 Borehole Type: Exploration
 Drilling Method: Percussion & Core
 Sample Type: Core & Chips
 Depth of Surface Casing: N/A
 Azimuth: Degrees
 Hole Inclination: -90 Degrees
 Collar Elevation: 901 Metres
 Borehole Water Strike: N/A
 End of Hole (Depth): 183 Metres
 Hole Diameter: 165 Millimetres

 Log Formation:
No.From (m)To (m) Log Formation
1.0 3Pale-orange fine Sand ,Topsoil and black Silcrete (dark-grey).
2.3 16Dark-grey massive Silcrete, Grey-greenish (medium - olive) fine matrix supporting coarse & medium rounded quartz grains. Green medium grained Sandstone (9 - 16m).
3.16 19Grey medium grained Sandstone and rounded large (1cm in size) quartz clasts (gravels).
4.19 26Very fine grained grey (silicified) Sandstone coarsens downward to 28m (with some green lithics at the base.
5.26 30Dark-brown very fine grained laminated Sandstone, underlain by a red-brown mudstone.
6.30 35Grey-green mudstone (60%-70%) & red-brown mudstone (30 - 40%).
7.35 50Red-brown mudstone (some purplish).
8.50 65Pale-grey (greenish) mudstone/silstone..
9.65 90Essentially greey mudstone but with dark-brown-greyish, to pale-orange horisons.
10.90 105Grey pale-orange (greenish-brown) siltstone.
11.105 125Siltstone: Slight colour change at 105m from pale orange (brownish) to grey..
12.125 156Grey siltstone.
13.156 164Shining crystals of Pyrite (?) in a dark-grey siltstone. Grey siltstone with black mudstone/siltstone Coal lenses.
14.164 168Dark-grey Coally siltstone.
15.168 183Black Coally mudstone with Coal lenses to the end of hole at 183m. .

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