Borehole Number: |
Prospecting Company: De Beers Prospecting Botswana (Pty) Ltd |
Prospecting License No.: PL31/88 |
Coordinates Type: WGS 84 |
Coordinates Format: Decimal Degrees (DD) |
Coordinates: -22.70478 , 27.884312 |
Location: Lerala |
Start Drill: N/A |
End Drill: N/A |
Borehole Type: Exploration |
Drilling Method: Core |
Sample Type: Core |
Depth of Surface Casing: N/A |
Azimuth: Degrees |
Hole Inclination: N/A |
Collar Elevation: N/A |
Borehole Water Strike: N/A |
End of Hole (Depth): N/A |
Hole Diameter: N/A |
Log Formation: |
No. | From (m) | To (m) | Log Formation |
1. | 2 | 5 | Kimberlitic clay with pink fsp gneiss + quartzite chips. |
2. | 5 | 6 | Kimberlite breccia. |
3. | 6 | 8 | Predominantly 100% inclusions with no kimberlitic clay - xenolith? Chips of felsic gneiss and minor pink fsp gneiss and quartzite. |
4. | 8 | 29 | Green kimberlitic clay & 20% pf gneiss chips. |
5. | 29 | 31 | Aphanitic, phlogopite bearing blue kimberlite 40%? |
6. | 31 | 33 | 50% kimberlite, 50% pink fsp gneiss + Amphiboliteibolite. |
7. | 33 | 39 | 90% kimberlite, 10% pfs gneiss + Amphibolite. |
8. | 39 | 41 | Kimberlite presence indicate by green clay coatings to grains + chips. Inclusions predominantly of pink fp gneiss and Amphiboliteibolite. |
9. | 41 | 55 | Cubic xtals of calcite observed. |
10. | 55 | 57 | 70% blue kimberlite, inclusions of pink fsp gneiss. |
11. | 57 | 60 | 90% kimberlite + kimberlite clay. |
12. | 63 | 67 | Phlogopites observed in k.clay. |
13. | 67 | 71 | 60% kimberlite with phlogopites. |
14. | 71 | 75 | Inclusions of quartz - fsp - biotite Schist, Amphiboliteibolite mostly clay in sample. |
15. | 75 | 79 | Qz - fsp - biot - Schist, pink gneiss. Qtz chip of kimberlite exhibits both a partially decomposed olivire (1mm) and a phlogopite. |
16. | 79 | 85 | 70% kimberlite clay. |
17. | 85 | 89 | 80% fresher kimberlite, k.clay content 1cm. |
18. | 89 | 91 | Wet sample, numerous inclusions of pink fsp gneiss, quartzite, quartz inclusion = 80% . |
19. | 91 | 95 | 70 inclusions, kimb mainly clay. |
20. | 95 | 101 | Phlog - bearing blue kimberlite 40%. |
21. | 101 | 107 | 90% kimberlite - including clay. |
22. | 107 | 110 | Blue kimberlite with inclusions of felsic gneiss, pink - fsp - gneiss, pink - fsp - gneiss Amphiboliteibolite. |
23. | 110 | 111 | Kimberlite breccia. |
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