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Water Borehole

 Borehole Number: BH10198

 Coordinates Type: WGS 84
 Coordinates Format: Decimal Degrees (DD)
 Coordinates: -22.372778 , 22.372778
 Location: Phuduhudu
 Location Description: PHUDUHUDU

 Start Drill: 2005-07-26
 End Drill: 2005-08-11
 Borehole Type: Groundwater
 Drilling Method: Percussion
 Drilling Rig(s): N/A
 Sample Type: Water
 Depth of Surface Casing: N/A
 Hole Inclination: N/A
 Estimated Yield: 12.0 M3/hr
 Static Water Level: 125.54 m
 Borehole Water Strike: 170 Metres
 End of Hole (Depth): 351 Metres
 Hole Diameter: 203 Millimetres

 Log Formation:
No.From (m)To (m) Log Formation
1.0 10Sand, loose, v-f to fine light grey, cream khaki
2.10 25Calcrete silcrete/ sand- silified, hard khaki calcrete cream silcreet, grey brown
3.25 58Sand light brown, fine to very fine, slightly silicified
4.58 87Sandstone, fine- v.fine light brown, cream pink
5.87 105Dolerite, weathered brown, quarts filling
6.105 122Sandstone, f- v.fine , brownish minor grey, silstones , brown mudstones
7.122 134Dolerite, brown, decomposed
8.134 169Mudstones, carbonaceous+ non carb minor coal
9.169 249Sandstone, coarse micaceous
10.249 251Coal, black, sandy
11.251 265Sandstones, light brown, f-v coarse
12.265 301Sandstones, light grey, fine v-fine
13.301 351Shales/ siltstone/mudstones, grey

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