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Exploration Borehole

 Borehole Number: 105/28/X014/H1

 Prospecting Company: De Beers Holdings Botswana
 Prospecting License No.: PL87/88
 Coordinates Type: WGS 84
 Coordinates Format: Decimal Degrees (DD)
 Coordinates: -23.706011 , 22.108291
 Location: Ghanzi

 Start Drill: 0000-00-00
 End Drill: 0000-00-00
 Borehole Type: Exploration
 Drilling Method: Core
 Sample Type: Core
 Depth of Surface Casing: N/A
 Azimuth: 0 Degrees
 Hole Inclination: N/A
 Collar Elevation: N/A
 Borehole Water Strike: Metres
 End of Hole (Depth): N/A
 Hole Diameter: Millimetres

 Log Formation:
No.From (m)To (m) Log Formation
1.0 8Off white nodular Sandy calcrete
2.0 10Loose Sands and calcrete.
3.8 10Off white-orange nodular Sandy calcrete
4.10 13Off white to light grey nodular calcrete, very Sandy
5.10 50Dominantly pink/yellow to off white Sandy calcrete occassionally nodular with Silcrete and calcareous Sandstone.
6.13 14Off white to light grey nodular calcrete, very Sandy, occassionally pink
7.14 16Off white to light grey nodular calcrete, very Sandy, occassionally pink, with 50% Silcrete.
8.16 18Silcrete which becomes calcretised Sandstone (fine to medium grained).
9.18 32Sandy calcrete with varying proportions or pink Silcrete or calcareous Sandstone.
10.29 94Pale yellow silty mudstone (with minor weathered calcareous Sandstone).
11.32 35Off white-light grey calcrete with pink calcareous Sandstone and minor pink Silcrete.
12.35 36Calcrete becoming off white to pale yellow with minor calcareous Sandstone and Silcrete.
13.36 50As above- minor variations in relative proportions (poor chip recovery).
14.50 51Dominantly pale pink fine to medium (occ. coarse) calcareous Sandstone +- calcrete/Silcrete
15.50 92Pale pink medium grained calcareous Sandstone.
16.51 5350/50 calcrete / calcareous Sandstone
17.53 62Mainly calcareous Sandstone +-calcrete,varying proportions of calcrete to calcareous Sandstone, otherwise fairly uniform.
18.62 72Varying proportions of pale pink calcareous Sandstone and white cream calcrete - fairly uniform.
19.72 92Dominantly calcareous Sandstone- medium grained (often coarsening), pink to cream pink in colour. Fairly homogeneous with variations in grain size.
20.92 94Pale yellow silty mudstone.
21.94 96Light pink to yellow pink fine grained Sandstone to siltstone. Silt stone often fairly laminated.
22.94 100Coarse gritty Sandstone.
23.96 100Sandstone, occasionally coarse and gritty.
24.100 113Alternating pale yellow /pink laminated siltstone with some fine grained Sandstone (medium-dark pink/red.
25.100 120Alternating yellow/pink laminated siltstone with fine grained Sandstone.
26.113 118Yellow/pink siltstone with fine grained Sandstone.
27.118 134Coarsening to predominantly fine grained Sandstone, colour becoming slightly grey to pink/yellow.
28.120 224Grey/pink fine grained Sandstone (colour varies with depth, otherwise very homogenous).
29.134 139Pink/grey (occ. Pale yellow/pink) fine grained Sandstone.
30.139 144Occasionally light yellow/grey to light pink fine grained Sandstone.
31.144 147Becoming yellow /orange to pink/grey fine grained Sandstone.
32.147 159Light grey dirty coarse/gritty Sandstone, occasionally orange/yellow.
33.159 161Medium to coarse grained orange/yellow pink Sandstone.
34.161 168Mainly pink fine to medium grained Sandstone.
35.168 170Becoming dull pink to pink/grey fine to medium grained Sandstone.
36.170 224As above with some laminated siltstone. Very homogeneous dull grey/pink fine grained Sandstone.
37.224 229Dark grey/green fine grained dolerite.
38.229 237Back to light grey - pink brown fine grained (occasionally medium grained) Sandstone, with minor siltstone
39.229 238Light grey/brown fine grained Sandstone (with minor pyritic siltstone).
40.237 238Siltstone very pyritic
41.238 240Dark grey- green slightly weathered dolerite.
42.238 246Dark grey/green fine grained dolerite.
43.240 246Dark grey- green slightly weathered crystalline dolerite.
44.246 255Light grey (very) fine Sandstone.
45.255 256Dolerite.
46.256 260Pale grey to green fine grained Sandstone.
47.256 270Grey/green fine Sandstone.
48.260 268Light grey fine grained Sandstone.
49.268 270Light grey laminated fine grained Sandstone.
50.270 271As above with clean dark grey carbonaceous mudstone.
51.270 296Dominantly dark grey/black carbonaceous mudstone often pyritic with occassional Coal horizons and minor medium-coarse Sandstone.
52.271 296Dark grey /black carbonaceous mudstone, often pyritic with Coal fragments and minor medium to coarse Sandstone. Fairly uniform but becomes more pyritic down to T.D of hole

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