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Exploration Borehole

 Borehole Number: 105/12/X008/H1

 Prospecting Company: De Beers Prospecting Botswana (Pty) Ltd
 Prospecting License No.: PL51/88
 Coordinates Type: WGS 84
 Coordinates Format: Decimal Degrees (DD)
 Coordinates: -20.68951 , 24.124343
 Location: Matlapana

 Start Drill: N/A
 End Drill: N/A
 Borehole Type: Exploration
 Drilling Method: Core
 Sample Type: Core
 Depth of Surface Casing: N/A
 Azimuth: Degrees
 Hole Inclination: N/A
 Collar Elevation: N/A
 Borehole Water Strike: N/A
 End of Hole (Depth): N/A
 Hole Diameter: N/A

 Log Formation:
No.From (m)To (m) Log Formation
1.0 3Upper kalahari - mixed aeolian and lacustrine Sands.
2.3 32Lake sediments - tuffaceous and nodular calcrete with pedotubes intercalated in part with hardpan calcrete, playa Silcrete and Silcrete gravels.
3.32 38Lake sediments - predominantly hardpan calcrete.
4.38 44Lake sediments - predominantly Silcrete (playa).
5.44 46Lake sediments - massive grey Silcrete breccia.
6.46 61Lake sediments - Silcreted alluvium, with playa Silcrete and minor amounts of diatomite.
7.61 65Lake sediments - green pan clay, with hardpan and and Silcreted Sands.
8.65 75Lake sediments - Silcrete, with pan clay and dolomite concretions, chalcedony concretions, nodular calcrete and pedotubes.
9.75 105Lake sediments - poor sample recovery - pressure pan clay.
10.105 151Lake sediments - quartz with concreted Sands (hosting pedotubes). Horizons of tuffaceous calcrete in parts. Intercalated with hardpan calcrete and playa Silcrete at depth.
11.151 153Karoo bslt - wthrd profile.
12.153 167Karoo bslt - fresh bslt.

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