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Exploration Borehole

 Borehole Number: 105/21/X006/H1

 Prospecting Company: De Beers Prospecting Botswana (Pty) Ltd
 Prospecting License No.: PL78/88
 Coordinates Type: WGS 84
 Coordinates Format: Decimal Degrees (DD)
 Coordinates: -22.969339 , 21.514262
 Location: Ghanzi

 Start Drill: N/A
 End Drill: N/A
 Borehole Type: Exploration
 Drilling Method: Core
 Sample Type: Core
 Depth of Surface Casing: N/A
 Azimuth: Degrees
 Hole Inclination: N/A
 Collar Elevation: N/A
 Borehole Water Strike: N/A
 End of Hole (Depth): N/A
 Hole Diameter: N/A

 Log Formation:
No.From (m)To (m) Log Formation
1.0 18Poor chip recovery. Mainly red Sands unconsolidated.
2.18 2019m- Red/orange limonitic calcretised Sands + some Silcrete.
3.20 30Occasionally dust/buff brown competent calc Sandstone- medium grained.
4.30 50Competent moderately well sorted light buff brown- pink medium grained calcareous Sandstone.
5.50 5452m- Off white/grey calc Sandstone as above with sugary texture.
6.54 6055m- Medium brown/grey calc Sandstone as above with sugary texture.
7.60 64Orange pink- occasionally grey medium grained moderately well sorted competant calc Sandstone.
8.64 70Becomes lighter orange/pink.
9.70 7373m- Becomes dark red/brown (iron rich).
10.73 7874m- Orange- buff/ pink- grey.
11.78 8680- Light buff to light grey homogenous (sugary texture) moderately well sorted medium grained competant calcareous Sandstone.
12.86 9088- Becomes light pink.
13.90 96Medium pink- mottled off white calc Sandstone as above.
14.96 10098m- Becoming darker pink- still mottled.
15.100 104102- Dark pink.
16.104 114106- Becomes light pink again- to off white light grey pink by 106. Frequently speckled with black flecks.
17.114 124116- Off white to medium pink- otherwise very homogenous as above. Calc Sandstone.
18.124 128126- Off white- medium pink calc Sandstone. As above.
19.128 140131- Pink. Homogenous medium grained well sorted calc Sandstone- competant.
20.140 150131- Light grey. Homogenous medium grained well sorted calc Sandstone- competant.
21.150 155153 Becomes fine grained occasionally silty fine grained light/med grey calc Sandstone.
22.155 156155 Light grey occasionally silty mudstone.
23.156 160157 Becomes light grey/pink fine grained well- mod well sorted Sandstone.
24.160 168161- Various colours- grey/pink/orange- poorly sorted gritty Sandstone- becoming less coarse to fine Sandstone/siltstone by 162.
25.168 170170- Medium- pink grey coarse grained competant slightly wthrd Sandstone.
26.170 174171- Sandstone plus green grey very fine grained dolerite (TARGET) with some hornfelsic rocks- Sandstone/dol. Some fracturing and veining qtz/calcite.
27.174 182177- Becoming fresh- coarse grained dolerite (target lithology).
28.182 212Coarse grained dark grey green/black dolerite- ophinitic texture visible ( Target lithology).
29.212 218215m- Fine grained green dolerite- appears like hornfels spotted- with light grey/ off white fine- medium Sandstone. WATER STRIKE 216- Sandstone aquifer- as above. (in excess +12, 000 gph). Drillers est.
30.218 220219m- Medium grained grain supported Sandstone with massie milky quartz and sub- well rounded qtz gravel and pebbles- 50%.
31.220 222222m- Qtz gravel/pebbles dominant.
32.222 224223m- All loose well- sub rounded qtz gravel + pebbles.
33.224 228226m- Milky quartz- becomes pinked.
34.228 238229m- Light- medium grey Sandy siltstone. Occasionally brown.
35.238 242240m- Becoming slightly darker grey dirty, silty mudstone.
36.242 244244m- Pink mudstone with some buff coloured fine- medium Sandstone.
37.244 252245m- Dominantly off white- grey fine- med well sorted Sandstone ( W= water strike).
38.252 254254m- White- off white fine- medium grained mod sorted Sandstone.
39.254 258255m- Becoming laminated and very micaceous.
40.258 260260m- Sandstone grades into dark grey silty laminated mudstone.
41.260 266262- Muddy siltstone, grey.
42.266 270268. Dark grey/black clean mudstone with vitrous black Coal fragments.
43.270 280272. Fine-medium grained massive Sandstone pyritic and very micaceous (not laminated).
44.280 282281m- Sandstone grades into grey/dark grey micaceous siltstone and mudstones.
45.282 288Intercalating siltstones and mudstones.
46.288 290T.D 290- Grey micaceous mudstone.

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