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Exploration Borehole

 Borehole Number: 105/21/X015/H1

 Prospecting Company: De Beers Prospecting Botswana (Pty) Ltd
 Prospecting License No.: PL78/88
 Coordinates Type: WGS 84
 Coordinates Format: Decimal Degrees (DD)
 Coordinates: -22.968506 , 21.662878
 Location: Ghanzi

 Start Drill: N/A
 End Drill: N/A
 Borehole Type: Exploration
 Drilling Method: Core
 Sample Type: Core
 Depth of Surface Casing: N/A
 Azimuth: Degrees
 Hole Inclination: N/A
 Collar Elevation: N/A
 Borehole Water Strike: N/A
 End of Hole (Depth): N/A
 Hole Diameter: N/A

 Log Formation:
No.From (m)To (m) Log Formation
1.0 1Nodular calcrete - Topsoil/Sand (+ plant + insect debris!).
2.0 62Upper Kalahari: Fine Sand and interbedded calcrete. Calcrete massive, Sandy to silty.
3.1 2Nodular calcrete.
4.2 4Massive Sandy + silty calcrete.
5.4 6Pale cream/buff/brown Sandy + silty calcrete, some laminations visible in the finer grained calcrete.
6.6 10Calcretised Sand + Sandy + silty calcrete.
7.10 13Intercalation of coarse Sandy calcrete/pale pink calcretised Sands and finer grained/laminated silty calcrete.
8.13 16Finer grained silty calcrete - laminations visible.
9.16 18Cream coloured Sandy calcrete - lenses + vugs of finer grained buff coloured silty calcrete.
10.18 21Coarse Sandy calcrete/pale pink + cream calcretised Sands + finer grained laminated silty calcrete.
11.21 24Coarse Sandy calcrete + calcretised Sands + silty calcrete with small amounts of iron stained deep red fine grained Silcrete.
12.24 30Same as above-chips becoming finer grained + more platey-mostly Sandy calcrete. Iron staining evident, as mottled dark pink rounded patches in cream coloured Sandy calcrete.
13.30 36Cream coloured Sandy calcrete with irregular sub-rounded dark pink iron staining patches-finer grained calcrete + some qtz clasts/Silcrete also present.
14.36 42Cream coloured Sandy calcrete with irregular sub-rounded dark pink iron staining patches -finer grained calcrete + some qtz clasts/Silcrete also present. Minor variations in grain size. Degree of iron staining + amounts of Silcrete otherwise homogenous.
15.42 48Mottled (dark pink patches) cream coloured Sandy calcrete. Larger clasts appear Conglomerateeritic, sub rounded dark pink (2-4mm) clasts set in a cream coloured, Sandy calcrete matrix. Some Silcrete present.
16.48 62Description too long to fit in SQL. Please refer to file
17.62 66Pale cream/buff Sandy calcrete/calcretised Sandstone. Some laminations visible in finer grained material.
18.62 162Lower Kalahari: Pale pink calcretized Sandstone.
19.66 72Pale pink/cream coloured calcretised Sandstone.
20.72 74Cream/buff med grained calcretised Sandstone.
21.74 80Cream/buff med grained calcretised Sandstone. Variations in colour cream/ pink/buff otherwise homogenous calcretised Sandstone.
22.80 83Finer grained cream/pink calcretised Sandstone.
23.83 88Med grained cream coloured calcretised Sandstone mottled with (
24.88 92Cream/buff fine grained calcretised Sandstone-pink iron staining patches occasionally visible.
25.92 94Cream/pink calc Sandstone.
26.94 108Cream/pink calc Sandstone. Homogenous calc Sandstone. Minor variations in colour (pink/cream/buff) and grain size med-fine grained.
27.108 118Cream/buff calcretised Sandstone.
28.118 120Cream coloured med grained calc Sandstone. Mottled with pink patches 2-4mm diam. (sub rounded).
29.120 124Pale pink calcretised Sandstone -med grained.
30.124 128Pale cream calcretised Sandstone -med grained.
31.128 132Pink calcretised Sandstone -med grained.
32.132 142Pink calcretised Sandstone-med grained. Minor variations (pale pink/cream/buff), otherwise homogenous med grained calcareous Sandstone.
33.142 144Pale pink/buff med grained calcretised Sandstone.
34.144 150Pale pink/cream med grained calcareous Sandstone.
35.150 152Medium grained pale pink calcareous Sandstone.
36.152 160Pale pink/buff med grained calcareous Sandstone with irregular (
37.160 164Pale pink calcareous Sandstone + cream coloured calc siltstone with dark pink alteration patches + qtz clasts.
38.162 176Pale pink calcareous Sandstones minor siltstone and calcrete.
39.164 166Dark pink/buff calcareous Sandstone -mottled + calcareous siltstone iron staining more evident.
40.166 167Mottled (dark pink patches
41.167 169Cream/pale pink med grained calc Sandstone + fine grained calc siltstone + Silcrete.
42.169 170Dark pink med grained calc Sandstone + pale cream mottled calc siltstone.
43.170 171Buff/pink coloured calc siltstone + Sandstone + qtz veining + Silcrete.
44.171 172Massive pink/buff coloured fine grained calc Sandstone + Silcrete.
45.172 173Massive buff/brown green very fine grained Sandstone/siltstone.
46.173 175Massive grey/brown Sandstone. Very fine grained.
47.175 178Med/ fine grained dark grey/green crystalline igneous rock. Mafic/intermediate -veined with calcrete + containing pale green irregular alteration patches -fine grained metadolerite/meta diorite.
48.176 178Metadolerite- altered dolerite, calcite and epidote veined.
49.178 179Dark grey/green fine grained Sandstone.
50.178 192Fine to coarse grained grey to pink Sandstone and grits.
51.179 180Dark grey/brown fine grained Sandstone.
52.180 181Dark green/grey fine grained Sandstone + fine grained Silcrete.
53.181 182Dark green/grey medium grained Sandstone + pale pink/cream Sandy calcrete.
54.182 184Coarse grained pale pink/green-brown Sandstone/grits.
55.184 186Coarse grained pale pink/green-brown Sandstone/grits with milky white qtz veining.
56.186 187Med/coarse grained green/brown Sandstone + coarse pink grits + qtz veining.
57.187 188Med grained green/brown Sandstone.
58.188 190Med grained green/brown/pink Sandstone.
59.190 192Dark grey/green med grained Sandstone.
60.192 196Fine/med grained mafic igneous rock-crystalline + dark green/black in colour. Calcite veining evident-fine grained dolerite (or coarse grained bslt!) + occasional dark green alteration patches (<2mm).
61.192 216Medium to coarse grained dolerite, finer grained at upper contact. Occasional green patches.
62.196 200Description too long to fit in SQL. Please refer to file
63.200 210Fresh-med/coarse grained DOLERITE.
64.210 214Medium/coarse grained fresh dolerite.
65.214 216Med/coarse dolerite.

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