Borehole Number: |
Prospecting Company: De Beers Prospecting Botswana (Pty) Ltd |
Prospecting License No.: PL78/88 |
Coordinates Type: WGS 84 |
Coordinates Format: Decimal Degrees (DD) |
Coordinates: -22.336608 , 22.368456 |
Location: Ghanzi |
Start Drill: N/A |
End Drill: N/A |
Borehole Type: Exploration |
Drilling Method: Core |
Sample Type: Core |
Depth of Surface Casing: N/A |
Azimuth: Degrees |
Hole Inclination: N/A |
Collar Elevation: N/A |
Borehole Water Strike: N/A |
End of Hole (Depth): N/A |
Hole Diameter: N/A |
Log Formation: |
No. | From (m) | To (m) | Log Formation |
1. | 0 | 4 | Loose Kalahari Sands. |
2. | 4 | 8 | Off white to light grey-mottled very Sandy calcrete. |
3. | 8 | 13 | As above with trace fossils-worm tubes. |
4. | 13 | 16 | Nodular cream/off white calcrete, often very Sandy. |
5. | 16 | 18 | Blackened calcrete-many worm tubes. |
6. | 18 | 20 | Nodular Sandy calcrete. |
7. | 20 | 24 | Minor Silcrete within calcrete (silicified Sandstone|). |
8. | 24 | 30 | Nodular Sandy calcrete. |
9. | 30 | 39 | Dominantly off white/cream Sandy (nodular) calcrete with minor Silcrete. |
10. | 39 | 56 | Gradiational change from a Sandy calcrete to a calcareous Sandstone. By 41m remains very uniform in colour (cream-off white) and grain size. Fine-medium. |
11. | 56 | 60 | Calcareous Sandstone with a red/brown highly weathered meta igneous rock-epidiorite. |
12. | 60 | 66 | Brown/red-grey-highly weathered meta igneous rock. Probably epidiorite. Much calcite veining, calcite often +30% of chip sample. |
13. | 66 | 72 | Becoming fresher-dark grey green fine to very fine grained epidiorite, visible hornblende and plagioclase feldspar crystals in some of the fresher rock. |
14. | 72 | 86 | Fresh epidiorite by 72m continues to 86m. |
15. | 86 | 90 | Weathered epidiorite and red/brown mudstone with some Sandstone.(fine-medium grained). |
16. | 90 | 94 | Pink-light brown siltstone and fine Sandstone. |
17. | 94 | 118 | Change to light/medium grey mudstone. |
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