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Exploration Borehole

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 Borehole Number: 105/21/X044/H1

 Prospecting Company: De Beers Holdings Botswana
 Prospecting License No.: PL78/88
 Coordinates Type: WGS 84
 Coordinates Format: Decimal Degrees (DD)
 Coordinates: -22.630842 , 21.418332
 Location: Ghanzi

 Start Drill: N/A
 End Drill: N/A
 Borehole Type: Exploration
 Drilling Method: Core
 Sample Type: Core
 Depth of Surface Casing: N/A
 Azimuth: Degrees
 Hole Inclination: N/A
 Collar Elevation: N/A
 Borehole Water Strike: N/A
 End of Hole (Depth): N/A
 Hole Diameter: N/A

 Log Formation:
No.From (m)To (m) Log Formation
1.0 28Poorly cemented Sandy calcrete with +2mm, well rounded qtz allogens.
2.28 29Sandy Silcrete with pedotubes, grey crypto - Silcrete.
3.29 36Buff Sandy Silcrete, on nodular calcrete.
4.36 37More quartz granulose.
5.37 42Buff Sandy Silcrete, pedotubes.
6.42 44Less silicified, more granules, orange Sandstone.
7.44 53Dark grey cryptocrystalline Silcrete, orange Sandstone.
8.53 60Fine pink quartz arenite/wache (Okwa group).

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