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Exploration Borehole

 Borehole Number: 105/24/X010

 Prospecting Company: De Beers Prospecting Botswana (Pty) Ltd
 Prospecting License No.: PL109/88
 Coordinates Type: WGS 84
 Coordinates Format: Decimal Degrees (DD)
 Coordinates: -22.857756 , 26.146665
 Location: Moralane

 Start Drill: N/A
 End Drill: N/A
 Borehole Type: Exploration
 Drilling Method: Percussion & Core
 Sample Type: Core & Chips
 Depth of Surface Casing: N/A
 Azimuth: Degrees
 Hole Inclination: -90 Degrees
 Collar Elevation: 1144 Metres
 Borehole Water Strike: N/A
 End of Hole (Depth): 146 Metres
 Hole Diameter: N/A

 Log Formation:
No.From (m)To (m) Log Formation
1.0 1U Kalahari - unconsolidated ferricreted surficial scree. Few +2mm chips recovered
2.1 6U Kalahari - buff white submature, moderate to poorly sorted, medium to fine grained massive and nodular Silcreted calcareous Sand/siltstone
3.6 11Mosolotshane Fm - buff grey and maroon laminated, weathered and massive argillaceous and calcareous mudstone
4.11 25Tlapana Fm - light grey massive and mature argillaceous siltstone/Shale assuming a darker grey black organic mudstone colour below 17m depth
5.25 48Tlapana Fm - light grey, slightly greenish tinged mature argillaceous siltstone/Shale, well sorted with black organic spots and a dark grey/black organic mudstone lenses at 28-29m depth
6.48 64Tlapana Fm - dull black and mature vitranous and carbonaceous Shaley Coal with several thin (cm) vitreous Coal stringers
7.64 78Medium to coarse grained, massive and crystalline altered/weathered feldspathic granopyhre showing extreme weathering and alteration towards the base
8.78 81Friable and extremely weathered granophyre with abundant black carbonaceous Shale contaminants from above horizons. Probable collapse material
9.81 88Medium to coarse grained, crystalline but friable severely weathered and altered feldspathic granophyre
10.88 146Massive and fine grained, dark coloured and moderately weathered to fresh crystalline dolerite becoming fresher and more aphanitic below 134m into a dark grey green light pinkish tinged probable basalt at base

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