Borehole Number: |
Prospecting Company: De Beers Prospecting Botswana (Pty) Ltd |
Prospecting License No.: PL109/88 |
Coordinates Type: WGS 84 |
Coordinates Format: Decimal Degrees (DD) |
Coordinates: -22.857747 , 26.146675 |
Location: Moralane |
Start Drill: N/A |
End Drill: N/A |
Borehole Type: Exploration |
Drilling Method: Percussion & Core |
Sample Type: Core & Chips |
Depth of Surface Casing: N/A |
Azimuth: Degrees |
Hole Inclination: N/A |
Collar Elevation: 1144 Metres |
Borehole Water Strike: N/A |
End of Hole (Depth): 146 Metres |
Hole Diameter: N/A |
Log Formation: |
No. | From (m) | To (m) | Log Formation |
1. | 0 | 1 | Unconsolidated ferricreted surficial scree. |
2. | 1 | 6 | Buff-white submature,moderate to poorly-sorted,medium to fine-grained,massive,nodular,silcreted calcareous sand/siltstone. |
3. | 6 | 11 | Buff-grey,maroon,laminated,weathered,massive,argillaceous,calcareous mudstone. |
4. | 11 | 25 | Light-grey,massive,mature,argillaceous siltstone/shale assuming a darker-grey black organic mudstone below 17m. |
5. | 25 | 48 | Light-grey,greenish-tingled,mature,argillaceous siltstone/shale,well sorted. |
6. | 48 | 64 | Dull black mature vitraneous carbonaceous shaley coal with several thin vitreous coal stringers. |
7. | 64 | 78 | Medium to coarse grained, massive and crystalline altered/ weathered feldspathic granopyhre showing extreme weathering and alteration towards the base |
8. | 78 | 81 | Friable and extremely weathered granophyre with abundant black carbonaceous Shale contaminants from above horizons. Proble collapse material. |
9. | 81 | 88 | Medium to coarse, crystalline but friable severely weathered and altered feldspathic granophyre. |
10. | 88 | 146 | Massive and fine grained, dark coloured and moderately weathered to fresh crystalline dolerite becoming fresher and more aphanitic below 134m into a dark grey green light pinkish tinged proble basalt at base |
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